Spring flowers
autumn moon
summer breezes
winter snow:

With mind uncluttered
·  this is  ·
the finest season!

-Wúmén Huìkāi

One misty moisty morning

A foggy dawn in the environs of Isabelle’s Island – known to those who have not yet met our grand-daughter as Pincushion Island.


Effusions dark and light

Winter’s low sun finds narrow paths past hill and tree,

expanding to reveal (and then disrupt) a thermocline painted with early-rising wood smoke:



However much drivers, walkers and anyone having to clean up afterward might be inconvenienced, ice storms provide some of the most beautiful natural adornment to the beauty that already exists hereabouts.

December 17th, 2012 | Ed.


Sub-freezing air supersaturated with moisture puts sugar-candy rime on all edges, more rarely spines or thick crusts.

Fern and fungus…

Aspiring to evergreen

Silver bells and cockleshells

cherry and maple…

Prunus subhirtella

Acer palmatum

andromeda and magnolia…

Pieris japonica with rhododendron

M. macrophylla and Pachysandra terminalis



Cold ground, light dusting of snow, air a little above freezing → snow persists on bricks, disappears from moss:


Warm ground, heavier fall of snow, air a little below freezing, sunshine → snow persists on moss, melts from bricks:

Even invisible vibrations leave tracks…

November 28th, 2012 | Ed.

Weeding by Thor



Don’t stand under a tall tree during a storm…

Late on Friday afternoon, a brief but violent thunderstorm took a narrow track through town. Along with gusty winds and hail came an unusual amount of lightning. On this side-road above Farrar Pond, a bolt hit slightly below the top of a […]