Spring flowers
autumn moon
summer breezes
winter snow:

With mind uncluttered
·  this is  ·
the finest season!

-Wúmén Huìkāi


Anyone who enjoys Farrar Pond, its trails and environs, local history or anything else reasonably relevant is welcome to post on the live blog, http://fpond.org/flow. Static pages—like this one—would also benefit from additional content; example topics are shown <in gray>.

If you would like to post on this blog, comment on others’ posts or help to edit these fixed pages, please contact admin (at) fpond.org to obtain login credentials.


The Farrar Pond Association holds an annual meeting each fall. This is a great opportunity for you meet pond-lovers and neighbors, and to learn about pond management activities and other local happenings. All are welcome: you need not live nearby to attend. If you might like to attend, please contact us at the above address for this year’s meeting time and location.

Most of our management/maintenance activities focus on controlling invasive aquatic plants, including water chestnut and milfoil. Left unchecked, these and others (some brought in on uncleaned boats or fishing gear) would rapidly degrade the pond to a choked slough, and eventually a swampy meadow. Water chestnut is hand-pulled by volunteers at no cost (more hands are always welcome!), but periodic professional treatments, carefully targeted, are required to control other non-native species and keep the pond open. Costs vary year to year, averaging around $10,000. These conservation efforts are made possible entirely by tax-deductible donations; again, your contribution in any amount will be appreciated by all who will enjoy the pond in years and lifetimes to come.


Yes, you!

Yes, you!

Volunteer opportunities…

The Farrar Pond Association

Help to manage invasive weeds

Guide trail walks

Host a pond-side badger party